Collaborative platform for unified access to digital solutions in the Habitat sector


The objective of AUNA is the development of a collaborative platform for unified access to digital solutions in the Habitat sector which enables the integration of the entire sector value chain, from application providers to application users.

There are many, diverse solutions available that can be useful for those SMEs in the habitat sector seeking to advance their level of digitization, although many of these solutions are not well-known. In addition, selecting the best option among the many that are available requires a knowledge of both the real needs of the company (beyond the subjective perception that the user may have) and the operational possibilities offered by each solution to cover those needs. For their part, solution providers lack a global vision of the problem to be solved, since these solutions usually arise from the specific needs of a company or small group of companies and are later launched on the market as a general solution for the sector. 

The AUNA project uses as a basis the feasibility analysis carried out in 2017 by the HABITAT 4.0 initiative and its main objective is to facilitate the transition of habitat companies to a higher degree of digital maturity. In a first phase, the AUNA project has developed a cloud platform that facilitates the access of companies in the habitat sector to various Industry 4.0 solutions. It is a platform capable of generating recommendations to users based on their activities and their level of digital maturity, through the processing of information using artificial intelligence.

The AUNA project pursues the development of a platform with which to establish recommendations precisely and with the degree of quality that companies require in their exploratory phase of technological solutions in Industry 4.0. In addition, the second phase of the project addresses the need to dynamically update the digital maturity profile of the user companies registered in AUNA and the development of an environment of upgradable solutions in an evolutionary environment of both new applications and new providers.

Results transferable to companies

The results of the project will be applied to improving the digitization of processes within companies in the habitat sector, specifically:

  • Habitat companies will have a unified space in which they can quickly find solutions in line with their needs and interests, based on the characteristics of the company and its digital maturity attributes.
  • Technology providers will be able to quickly organize their solutions and innovations in a hierarchical manner and disseminate them to the industrial fabric of the habitat sector.
  • The AUNA platform will provide new data on the use of technological solutions by SMEs in the habitat sector. This new data source will allow companies to make increasingly sophisticated recommendations based on the use of intelligent systems.
  • The project will promote the growth of the market for solutions and resources aimed at digitizing the habitat sector, facilitating their purchase and sale.



Innovative Business Groups Program (AEI) of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism: Fase 1 AEI-010500-2021b-104, Fase 2 AEI-010500-2022b-139 & Fase 3 AEI-010500-2023-70.



